How to get the most out of your sports massage session – 3 tips

A sports massage works towards reducing and keeping away pains and aches- whether you are a sportsperson or a runner. There have been many scientific studies about the benefits of sports massage and a few of them are – reduced pain, improved flexibility and enhanced sleep. It also works on setting up an athlete for a sports performance and recovery after a session.

Sports Medicine Massage Therapy Perth

So, getting a Sports Medicine Massage Therapy in Perth is very beneficial if you are physically active. In this blog, we will discuss what sports massage is and what to do before a massage session. Continue reading to find out more.

Let us start by learning what a sports massage is.

What is a sports massage?

Sports massage is a “hands-on” massage therapy practised by licensed massage therapists. It involves the manipulation of the myofascial structure and the soft tissues of the body. It was originally invented for sportspersons to relieve and prevent injuries that can happen after repeated physical activity. However, you can gain from sports massage therapy even if you are not a sportsperson. You can get both psychological and physiological benefits from getting a sports massage.

What does it involve?

Sports massage is often fast-paced, depending on where the pain is or the type of sport you participate in. However, please remember that you don’t have to be a sportsperson to receive this massage. It can be customized to act as a pre-workout stretching session or as a massage post-workout. If you use it this way it will increase your flexibility and reduce muscle soreness. Sports massage can also be used for the relaxation of the muscles as well as for reducing joint pains.

What to do before a sports massage?

Following are a few things to do before you arrive for your sports massage.

[1] Drink a lot of water

This is an essential thing to do before you go for your massage session. You may have to visit the toilet multiple times during the session, but it’s worth it. If you keep your body well hydrated, the massage therapist will find it much easier to work on your muscles as they will be receptive enough. Lack of water can stiffen them and that can make your massage a painful one.

[2] Eat a light meal

You can have a heavy meal after the massage session, but before that, you need to have a light one. You will have to lie down during the massage and you may find it uncomfortable to do so with a full belly. Also, a massage slows down your digestive process so you may find it difficult to digest a heavy meal. It might also make you feel lethargic during the massage. So, it is always advised to have a light meal before getting the massage.

[3] Wear comfortable clothes

A massage therapist works deep within the muscles while giving a sports massage. The more they can see your body, the better it is for you. If you have pain around a particular area, please wear as little as possible around that area so that the therapist can reach the same. For example, if you have pain in the leg, you can wear shorts. Your therapist will be able to tell you whether you would need to remove your top wear for the massage session. They will cover you with a towel to ensure you are comfortable, so you don’t need to worry about that.

Please keep in mind the following tips:

·         The clothing you wear is loose

·         It’s easily removable

·         You can pull it up if required

·         Your massage therapist can see the areas that need to be worked on

·         The clothing is thin


So, this was all about sports massage and 3 tips to get the most out of your session. Keeping these tips in mind will ensure that you get the most out of your massage. To get a beneficial and comfortable massage, you need to find a licensed and experienced massage therapist. If you are looking for such a professional, you can get in touch with Bentley Massage. They also provide full Body Massage Therapy Techniques in Perth.


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