Know about Trigger Point Massage Therapy and their benefits

Trigger Point Massages can be of various types. They are physiotherapy techniques used to treat bodily disorders. Here we describe the most important ones so that you know them.

There are various types of Trigger Point Massage Therapies exist, and they have different classifications. It is important to know that the usefulness of massages lies in the treatment of bodily disorders and that they can be highly efficient in reducing pain.

Trigger Point Massage Therapy Perth

A massage is a manipulation of soft tissues that consists of performing a rhythmic action with adequate intensity on somebody's points. The manipulation can be performed on superficial layers of tissues or deep layers. Therefore, schedule Trigger Point Massage Therapy in Perth with a specialized one who has great knowledge of performing this service. 

Effects of trigger point massage therapy on the body

In general, there are no contraindications for massages, except for specific conditions that may prevent certain maneuvers. Within the different types of therapeutic massages, one modality or another will be indicated based on what is most convenient.

It is a mistake to think that massages are only used to help treat muscle diseases. The benefits of therapeutic massages are physical and psychological as well. Two or more types of massages can even be combined in the same treatment to achieve improvements in uneven tissues. Some of the benefits of trigger point massages are the following:


  • Calm the pain
  • Muscle development
  • The feeling of general well-being
  • The strain of contracted muscles
  • Long-term tissue flexibility
  • Improvement of blood and lymphatic circulation 

Types of trigger point massage therapy

There are different types of trigger point massage therapies. Read below to know the main ones.

[1] Rub-slip

It consists of the uniform and slow rubbing of a body area. It can be done longitudinally or circularly. Other tissues that would not be the ones that need treatment mustn't slip. One variety is the deep rub. It is used to relax and to work on blood and lymphatic circulation. For the circulatory effect, the massage seeks to promote the venous return that is often stopped.

[2] Kneading

Kneading is one of the most energetic types of therapeutic massages, along with percussion. The kneading seeks to detach the superficial tissues from the deep ones and cause displacement of the muscle fibers. It is a technique that combines unfolding, twisting, and stretching movements.

[3]  Frictions

The movements of this technique are brief. To achieve this, controlled pressure is intended, so the therapist usually uses the tips of the fingers. Frequently, its application refers to the massage of the joints. If the joint tissues have adhesions, the friction separates the tissues, which makes them also useful as an analgesic. Another effect linked to the previous one is to increase circulation in the area where the massages are performed.

[4] Compression

This technique is static, so there is no displacement on the tissues. For half a minute or a full minute, the therapist maintains compression of the area with no movement to the sides.

[5]  Percussion

Among the different types of therapeutic maneuvers, this is one of the most energetic. It has two forms: the pounding and the hacking. The tapping is done with the palms of the hands cupped, which produces a characteristic sound when applying the technique. Percussion increases circulation in the treated area nourishes the muscle, increases muscle contractility, and normalizes tone. As a result of these effects, it is also considered a stimulating massage, which improves the general well-being of the person.


Full Body Massage Therapy Techniques Perth

Did you know these Trigger Point massages? As you just noticed, its benefits go beyond supporting muscle rehabilitation. If you want to use them in your therapies, do not hesitate to contact Bentley Massage and choose Full Body Massage Therapy Techniques in Perth. Get in touch with us!


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